About us

Carmhelga is a college student with far too much time on her hands, and a tendency to over analyze (and over argue) the hell out of everything.  Her favorite people include Neil Patrick Harris, Stephen Colbert, Kristin Chenoweth, Tina Fey, and James Madison.  She hates Andrew Jackson and Warren G. Harding.  She would like very much to become Sarah Vowell.  Her greatest loves are television, sports, and history.  And her family.  She loves them too.

YoSaffBridge is also a college student. She’s an old soul who’s young at heart. She loves children’s entertainment, but doesn’t much care for children. She tends to become a little too involved in fiction, but will always deny that she is over-reacting. Her life revolves around books, TV, and musical theatre. Her favorite works of fiction usually include any of the following: guilt/redemption issues, repressed emotions, married couples who fight a lot, lots of dialogue, musical numbers, fairy tale references, and/or power couples. Her favorite Hitchcock movie is Vertigo, and she thinks that says something about her, but she’s not sure what.

One response to “About us

  1. Janetheflounder

    His eyes are beady!

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